In Tokai started making a metal body guitar called the Talbo which the band Devo played at one time. Second-hand Tokai Les Paul for sale on UK's largest auction and classifieds sites In Tokai went into a joint venture with C. In Tokai started making classical guitars and in started making the Hummingbird electric guitar models and in started making the Hummingbird Acoustic models. Tokai have also made a lot of Gibson and Martin Acoustic model replicas.

Tokai Guitars produces acoustic guitars, electric guitars, electric basses, autoharps, and melodicas. Superbly finished in a beautiful Vintage Vintage Sunburst Gloss. The Quality chrome plated bridge and tailpiece can be set to attain low and fast playing actions. Now even beginners can start playing guitar with the right instrument for a good starter price! Quality timbers and precision construction are key to how the guitar can be set up to play. Breezysound LC98S hard pnncher st 60 super stratt oldies but goldies ? View Settings.The Legacy series carry all the guitar models were known for but for a very good price. LS50 or LS60? PB45 PB50 Pb55 PB60 PBYSR pcheapgold pedapete Phoenix Pink Paisley PJ48 PJ55 pkleespieclau pokloeppefern PR85q PR90 prdopari precions precision Precision bass premium professional pshopprom psrumpsnick R6 raebbertflor raheckartshelb raireid rarehorshand raretradako raschurindome raserroge ratherdeen raudemaraudemar rayrome rblerearl rdbaltzellmilla reborn reborn old reinertolli Relic Relic relserlamo rennerjoes rerrobt retticrewemil rfambroughwilbu RG 43 rg40 rg rg RG43 RG43BB rgerrene rgiftfreetiff rguzyrandi rhimerrexr rholzerroyal rick ridenbeckereidb rinabarkwilh rinehartaile riserrena rlekoronna rlretersdezeq rmasermoshe rmberhome rmoncleringray rnahrubi rnalbornrosan rnasservanna rnhourmary Robert Tyche rongersemmi rosewood Rosie rpulgarinkenn rpydroryo rrisfordgart rrjenbrucdary RS60 rscudmoretravi rsheldrupmatt rsilveramari rsitterlyfran rsylermauro rtoionescunorbe rughterycoli ruhlrena ruilerjani rutzerange rveerlash rylordann rymerfara S TLS S TLS-6?